
Entry (1/2)1  amena
Part of speech  2  noun
Vocabulary  3  Religions, Beliefs
Explanations in Malagasy  4  Teny hebrio izay fahita amin' ny fiafaran' ny vavaka fanaon' ny kristianina, ka ny heviny dia hoe: Ho tanteraka anie izany [1.1]
Examples  5  Vita ny amena, dia tapitra ny ainy. [2.649]
6  Ary ravehivavy hanao hoe: amena, amena. [2.996]

Entry (2/2)8  Amena
Part of speech  9  name (poem title)
Vocabulary  10  Literature: poems
Elementary words  11  amena
Author  12  Raoely James
Tables and plates  13  Full list

Anagrams  14  Amena, amena, mañea, Amena, amena, mañea

Updated on 2023/10/19